Ingvar Villido was born in Estonia, and currently resides there. He develops spiritual techniques that are precise, effective, and easy to use.

Ingvar grew up in Tartu, Estonia, where he acquired an appreciation for nature, and an experimental and technical mindset. From 1980-1990, he practiced spiritual and yogic methods both at home and abroad. He received initiation and training in martial arts, acupuncture, raja, buddhi, and agni yogas, Osho’s teachings, Buddhism, Dzogchen, shamanism, and more. Still, he was unable to find comprehensive answers to his questions, so he began studying ancient human knowledge on his own.

In 1992-1993, Ingvar began teaching raja and buddhi yoga and founded Lilleoru in Aruvalla, Estonia, a center for practical consciousness with the world’s largest Flower of Life Park. He experimented with various teaching methods in order to develop a comprehensive system for human development.

The ashram at the Lilleoru center for practical consciousness has been in the Haidakhan Babaji lineage (Sadashivadham) since 2002. Ishwarananda Ashram Sat Cit Agastishwarar Gurukulam follows the practices of traditional Vedic fire ceremonies (havans, aartis), karma yoga and more.

Ingvar’s deep examination of human life has yielded unique insights into human potential, enabling rapid transformation. He continues to share his discoveries with his students, who have coined the term “Ishwarananda Yoga” to describe this dynamic path.

His scientific approach to the intricacies of the human condition led him to give presentations at international conferences on human psychology and consciousness. Ingvar has given lectures on human development around the world. More than 30,000 people have attended his talks, events, and courses. He has appeared on radio and TV in Estonia, Luxembourg, and Russia.

In Tamil Nadu, Ingvar and his students have been visiting and supporting the residence of the Siddhars since 2013. His Tamil students have established the Siddhamed Farm on the sacred Kolli Hills, and are completing the Sat Chit Ishwara Ananda temple with its accommodation wing. The property’s riverside temple is under construction, along with a Shiva energy center named Jambulingeeshwara.

In March of 2018, Ingvar published Emotions: The Greatest Addiction of Mankind, which was an overnight bestseller in Estonia, and named Best Handbook of the Year. In the same year, his book Turning Point presented consciousness as the new paradigm, and the book Stories of Conscious Change shared transformations individuals had experienced through his teachings. He contributed a chapter to the scientific book, Personal Sustainability: Exploring the Far Side of Sustainable Development (Routledge, 2019) on the new paradigm for personal sustainability based on awareness.

In the summer of 2018, the School of Practical Consciousness, an international training and competence center was launched. It is the world’s first center providing education in Practical Consciousness. It resides in Europe’s largest straw bale building to which volunteers contributed 40,000 hours of labor over five years.

In 2021, Ingvar founded the Practical Consciousness Foundation which is establishing a network of Practical Consciousness Schools in different parts of the world to make practical consciousness a reality for all of humanity.

In April, 2022, Ingvar published Practical Consciousness: Freeing Yourself from Emotional Addiction to Live a More Joyful Life which became a US Amazon self development bestseller a week after its publication. In this book, Ingvar teaches in simple language how to stop being controlled by your emotions and take the reins of your life. The book offers a completely new technology to increase your freedom of choice and personal development. Ingvar says, “By using this book, everyone can bring more human qualities to their activities and become free of the inhumanity that is the biggest problem in the world today.”